Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Let's Give it a Try...

I've been thinking a lot about this whole "create a new television hybrid genre" thing. I've had lots of ideas, most of which were totally unoriginal and that would be disastrous if attempted in real life. I considered not even doing this blog, until it hit me. What if I combined two of my favorite shows into something crazy and new? Is it even possible? We shall see.

I love "The Office." It's so darn clever, and I can't get enough of it. The concept of making a television show that looks a lot like a documentary of real life in a place as mundane as an office is pure genius, and the writing and acting are just perfect. I also love "Scrubs." Who would have thought that a sitcom about working as a doctor in a hospital would actually work? The combination of the drama of medical shows and the comedy of the average sitcom is strange, but it works.

Ironic, yes, that the two shows I'm combining are already hybrids? So that makes this, what...a quadruple hybrid? Cool.

So, when we combine the documentary-like filming and scripting of "The Office" with the humor and drama of "Scrubs," what do we get?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the MedicalDocumentaryDramaticSitcom, hypothetically entitled for our purposes "The Hospital."

Why would this work? Well, its a proverbial field day for people who fit into the "critic" category...writers, artists, etc. This new innovation would provide everyone involved with a big challenge, since nothing of the sort has been attempted before. However, if it succeeded, it would be rewarding.

For "producers," this new genre would also pose a challenge. What situations and settings are typical for this new genre? The producers would be responsible for determining all of this.

And, of course, this whole thing would be perhaps most rewarding for the "audience." This would give them something fresh and new, a nice change from eveyrthing else they can watch on tv.

Yeah, it's a hit or miss situation. I think it could work. You may not. Maybe someday in the future we will see.

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