Sunday, January 14, 2007

Media Ramblings

As I was looking over my notes from Friday, I started to think of the irony of semiotic domains. You see, everyone belongs to at least one, whether they choose to admit it or not. They're inescapable. No matter who you are, it seems, there's a group of people who are almost exactly like you. Even nonconformists and anarchists fit into their own semiotic domains...imagine how mad they must be to realize this. At the same time, it must be strangely comforting. Even if you are the only person you know who belongs to a certain semiotic domain, you can rest assured knowing that someone, somewhere understands you. Your language, your clothing, your beliefs and ideologies...they are shared. Interesting. Kind of.

On a completely different note, let's talk about MySpace. Do you have one? Don't lie, I know you do. We all do. And that is sad. I don't think any of us realized, when we were signing up for an account on that crazy site, that we were in a way definining our generation. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the MySpace generation. We post pictures of ourselves looking pensive, blowing kisses, posing with millions of people to show how "cool" we are. We write blogs about how much we hate life, or love life, or how much we really just don't care at all. We worry about why we aren't on that person's Top 8 when they're obviously on ours. We define ourselves purely by the clothing we wear, the music we listen to, the movies we think are entertaining. If we care about an issue, we post a banner about it on our page. It's ridiculous.

In a way, MySpace and other sites like it(Facebook, anyone?) are slowly taking over our lives. I mean, think about it. When was the last time you went a day, or even a couple of days, without checking it? If you're like me, you check it multiple times a day. Maybe not because you really care that much about it, but purely out of habit. I think it's time to break that habit. It's been fun, but things are getting just a little out of hand. It's time for us to step back from this media and do something more worthwhile with our time. Is this really what we want our generation to be remembered for? I don't.

So there you have it, my humble opinion on the matter. That is all.

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